陸の水 70 号

陸の水 70 号 2015 年9 月5 日発行

Limnology in Tokai Region of Japan, 70, 5 September 2015


目  次 Contents

論  文 Articles

小野田幸生・井上正男:魚のかたちを見比べることから始める自然体験学習の教育効果と課題…… 1 ic_pdf
Yukio ONODA and Masao INOUE: Education effects and improvements of an experience-based nature study initiated by comparing fish morphology carefully

渡邉卓弥・谷口義則:経過年数が異なる多自然川づくり施工区における魚類相 …… 9 ic_pdf
Takuya WATANABE and Yoshinori TANIGUCHI: Fish species assemblages in stream segments with different elapsed years after rehabilitation works

報  告 Reports

野崎健太郎:静岡県浜松市三ヶ日町の水田用水路から採集されたアオミドロ属 Spirogyra variformis TRANSEAU の接合胞子形成(英文) …… 19 ic_pdf
Kentaro NOZAKI: Zygospore formation of a Spirogyra variformis TRANSEAU (Zygnemataceae) collected from an irrigation canal of rice fields at Mikkabi, Hamamatsu, Japan

内田朝子:明暗びん法と袋法による矢作川上~中流域の一次生産量測定の試み …… 25 ic_pdf
Asako UCHIDA: Preliminary measurement of primary production using the light and dark bottle method and the bag method in the upper to middle reaches of the Yahagi River

紀平征希・加藤 進・土屋竜太・荒木利芳・久松 眞:少人数の小学校児童を対象とした水環境教育の実践 …… 29 ic_pdf
Masaki KIHIRA, Susumu KATO, Ryouta TSUCHIYA, Toshiyoshi ARAKI and Makoto HISAMATSU:  Practice of the freshwater environmental education for a few children of primary school

山本彩莉・野崎健太郎:木曽川上流域(長野県木曽町)におけるスナック菓子とセル瓶を用いたコイ科魚類アブラハヤ(Rhynchocypris logowskii steindachneri)の採集:自然体験学習の教材としての予備的研究…… 35  ic_pdf
Sari YAMAMOTO and Kentaro NOZAKI: Catching of a freshwater fish, Rhynchocypris logowskii steindachneri (Cyprinidae), using minnow trap made of clear plastic including some snacks in upper area of the Kiso River, Nagano, Japan:A preliminary study as a teaching material of nature experience learning

吉成 暁:安倍川のカワゲラ相 …… 41 ic_pdf
Gyo YOSHINARI: Plecoptera fauna of the Abe River, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan

須田ひろ実・田中正明・大八木麻希・登めぐみ・横山亜希子・八木明彦:深見池における植物プランクトン群集の最近の傾向(英文) …… 51 ic_pdf
Hiromi SUDA, Masaaki TANAKA, Maki OYAGI, Megumi NOBORI, Akiko YOKOYAMA and Akihiko YAGI: Recent trend in seasonal periodicity of phytoplankton community in a small mountainous lake,
Fukami-ike, Central Japan

意  見 Opinion

戸田三津夫:ダムのある川の機能を回復させる:佐久間ダムでの提案…… 55 ic_pdf
Mitsuo TODA: How can we substitute for original river function robbed by Large Dam : The case of SAKUMA dam


八木明彦:廣正義先生の逝去と研究の歩み …… 61 ic_pdf
Akihiko YAGI: Academic career of Professor Dr. Masayoshi HIRO

廣正義先生 著作目録 …… 63 ic_pdf
Publication List of Professor Dr. Masayoshi HIRO