特 集:2014 年の御嶽山噴火が陸水に及ぼす影響
Special feature: Effects of the 2014 Mount Ontake eruption on inland waters
(陸の水 74 号 (Limnology in Tokai Region of Japan, 74) より、御岳山特集のみを抜粋)
谷口智雅:2014 年の御嶽山噴火が陸水に及ぼす影響 …… 1
Tomomasa TANIGUCHI: Effects of the 2014 Mount Ontake eruption on inland waters
田代喬:御嶽山麓を流れる木曽川水系王滝川の水環境:自然災害と水資源開発の影響 …… 5
Takashi TASHIRO: Water environment of the Ohtaki River near Mount Ontake in the Kiso River System with particular references on natural disasters and water resources and hydropower development
野崎健太郎:2014 年の御嶽山噴火から1 年後の王滝川水系における秋と冬の付着藻現存量(英文) …… 13
Kentaro NOZAKI: Autumn and winter periphyton biomass in the Ohtakigawa River watershed 1 year after the 2014 eruption of Mount Ontake, central Japan
小野田幸生・萱場祐一:2014 年の御嶽山の噴火で火砕流の流入のあった河川とその周辺の河川での魚類相の比較(英文) …… 23
Yukio ONODA and Yuichi KAYABA: Comparison of fish fauna in a river that received pyroclastic flow from the volcanic eruption of Mt. Ontake in 2014 with that in neighboring rivers
小野田幸生:1984 年に発生した御嶽崩れ(山体崩壊)による撹乱後の伝上川とその支流における
2016 年のヤマトイワナの再発見:撹乱からの避難場所としての支流の重要性(英文) …… 29
Yukio ONODA: Rediscovery of Japanese charr in the Denjogawa River and its tributary in 2016 after a disturbance from the Ontake Landslide in 1984: significance of a tributary as a refugium from disturbance