陸の水 54 号

陸の水 54 号 2012 年4 月20 日発行
Limnology in Tokai Region of Japan, 54, 20 April 2012


目  次 Contents

論  文 Articles

飯田涼介・谷口義則・山本友紀・吉鶴靖則・大畑孝二:外来魚駆除が溜め池の動物群集に及ぼす影響…… 1 ic_pdf
Ryosuke IIDA, Yoshinori TANIGUCHI, Yuki YAMAMOTO, Yasunori YOSHITSURU and Koji OHATA: Effects of exotic fish removal on an animal community in a farm pond

野崎健太郎:人文社会学系の大学生を対象とした陸水環境教育の実践 -講義科目への利き水,水質分析およびBOD 試験の導入とその評価-…… 11 ic_pdf
Kentaro NOZAKI: A practical report of the freshwater environmental education on university students belonging to human cultural and social sciences courses: Introduction of water tasting, water quality analysis and BOD test to a lecture subject and its student evaluation

江端一徳・松本嘉孝・井上隆信:矢作川上流域における堆積性有機物の粒径特性と季節変化…… 19 ic_pdf
Kazunori EBATA, Yoshitaka MATSUMOTO and Takanobu INOUE: Characteristics of size distribution and seasonal change of Benthic Organic Matters in upper reach of the Yahagi River, Aichi, Japan

資  料 Regional Reports

村上哲生・栗木聖未・服部典子:こませ漁が河川水質に及ぼす影響 -天竜川(静岡県)での事例-…… 25 ic_pdf
Tetuo MURAKAMI, Kiyomi KURIKI and Noriko HATTORI:Effects of “komase-fishing”, sprinkling baits for ayu-fishing, on river water qualities; A case study in the Tenryu River, Shizuoka Prefecture, Central Japan

紀平征希・太田ともえ・稲森玲子・山本好男:高校生(三重県立上野高等学校)を対象とした水環境教育の実践…… 27 ic_pdf
Masaki KIHIRA, Tomoe OTA, Reiko INAMORI and Yoshio YAMAMOTO: Practice of the freshwater environmental education on high school students of Mie Prefectural Ueno Senior High School

川瀬基弘・村瀬文好・早瀬善正・市原 俊・森山昭彦・家山博史:岐阜市に生息する淡水産貝類…… 33 ic_pdf
Motohiro KAWASE, Fumiyoshi MURASE, Yoshimasa HAYASE, Takashi ICHIHARA, Akihiko MORIYAMA and Hiroshi IEYAMA: Freshwater mollusks in Gifu city, Gifu prefecture, Japan

白金晶子・内田朝子・内田臣一:矢作川流域における外来二枚貝カワヒバリガイの発見から現在までの経過…… 43 ic_pdf
Population dynamics and spatial distribution of the invasive mussel, Limnoperna fortunei, from its discovery to the present in the Yahagi River, Japan
Akiko SHIRAGANE, Asako UCHIDA and Shigekazu UCHIDA

意  見 Opinion

野崎健太郎:研究発表の倫理:「山崎茂明(著)パブリッシュ・オア・ペリッシュ」の書評から陸水学研究の現状を考える…… 53 ic_pdf
Kentaro NOZAKI: Ethics of research publications: an opinion for the recent trend of limnological studies based on a book review of “Publish or Perish” by Dr. Shigeaki YAMAZAKI

投稿規定…… 57 ic_pdf