陸の水 60 号 2013 年7 月31 日発行
Limnology in Tokai Region of Japan, 60, 31 July 2013
目 次 Contents
論 文 Articles
横山亜希子・大八木麻希・中川麻悠子・八木明彦:深見池における鉄・マンガンの流入,流出,湖水中の存在状態…… 1
Existent State of Iron and Manganese in inflow, outflow and inside of Lake Fukami-ike
Akiko YOKOYAMA, Maki OYAGI, Mayuko NAKAGAWA and Akihiko YAGI
松本嘉孝・佐川志朗・井上隆信・横田久里子・中村高志:木曽川中下流域のワンド・タマリの溶存態有機炭素濃度の時空間特性の把握…… 7
Yoshitaka MATSUMOTO, Shiro SAGAWA, Takanobu INOUE, Kuriko YOKOTA and Takashi NAKAMURA: Spatial and temporal variations of dissolved organic carbon of Wando and Tamari in the middle and lower Kiso River
中川麻悠子・上野雄一郎・横山亜希子・八木明彦・吉田尚弘:深見池 (長野県) の硫黄起源推定(英文) …… 15
Mayuko NAKAGAWA, Yuichiro UENO, Akiko YOKOYAMA, Akihiko YAGI and Naohiro YOSHIDA: The origin of sulfur in the lake Fukami-ike, Japan
大屋 渡・石神 昇・山田遊子・久保 敦:人為的影響が少ないため池における水質の季節変化の解析 -大洞池(愛知県犬山市)での事例研究-…… 21
Wataru OHYA, Noboru ISHIGAMI, Yuko YAMADA and Atsushi KUBO: Analysis of seasonal changes in water qualities in a pond under the less artificial influence – A case study in Ohbora-ike (Inuyama Aichi)
資 料 Regional Reports
村上哲生:銅・亜鉛鉱山排水が流入する焼岩谷 (岐阜県)の付着藻類群集におけるAchnanthes minutissima Kützing (珪藻類) の優占…… 31
Tetuo MURAKAMI: Dominance of Achnanthes minutissima Kützing (Bacillariophyta; diatom) in the Yakeiwa-tani River drained from copper/zinc mine in Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan
野崎健太郎:中池見湿地(福井県敦賀市)で採集された糸状緑藻アオミドロ(Spirogyra属)の接合体と接合胞子の形成過程(英文)…… 35
Kentaro NOZAKI: Formation process of conjugation and zygospores of a filamentous green alga, Spirogyra species collected from a lowland marsh, Naka-ikemi, Tsuruga, Fukui, Japan
笹木智惠子・笹木 進・河端良斉・村上哲生:冬季の中池見湿原 (福井県敦賀市) における近年の高い電気伝導度…… 41
Chieko SASAKI, Susum SASAKI, Yoshinari KAWABATA and Tetuo MURAKAMI: The recent high electric conductivity (EC) in winter in the Nakaikemi Wetlands, Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan
小林 楓・石田典子:異なる葉形をもつ水草模型に付着する藻類…… 45
Kaede KOBAYASHI and Noriko ISHIDA: Attached algae growing on the different types of aquatic plant models
意 見 Opinion
村上哲生:論文を書くことと学問の世界の不公正の是正…… 51
Tetuo MURAKAMI: To publish and to dissolve the problems for academic harassment
秋山雄司・喜多村雄一・村上哲生:天竜川の保全の新しい展望-「天竜川天然資源再生連絡会」は何を目指すのか?- …… 55
Yuji AKIYAMA, Yuichi KITAMURA and Tetuo MURAKAMI: A new perspective for the Tenryu River conservation: The goal of “Fisheries Resources Research and Conservation Board of the Tenryu River”, a council composed of fishermen’s union, administrator of dams and river researchers
市野和夫:アユの棲息環境を奪った開発-豊川水系の環境再生の要は砂礫か-…… 57
Kazuo ICHINO: Dam constructions destroyed inhabitable environment for Ayu Fish (Plecoglossus altivelis) in Japanese rivers : gravels might be key materials repairing the environment of the Toyogawa River Basin
谷口智雅・長谷川直子・大八木英夫・宮岡邦任:陸水に関わる『大地の遺産』の選定…… 61
Tomomasa TANIGUCHI, Naoko HASEGAWA, Hideo OYAGI and Kunihide MIYAOKA: The choice of Geo-heritage with a viewpoint of the water environment