陸の水 64 号

陸の水 64 号 2014 年7 月30 日発行

Limnology in Tokai Region of Japan, 64, 30 July 2014


目  次 Contents

論  文 Articles

八木明彦・大八木麻希・川瀬基弘・横山亜希子:藤前干潟の底泥・海水における炭素・窒素の除去 -潮溜まり・底泥間隙水・二枚貝中心として-…… 1 ic_pdf
Akihiko YAGI, Maki OYAGI, Motohiro KAWASE and Akiko YOKOYAMA: Self-purification of sediment and sea water in the Fujimae Tidal Flat: Focusing on Tidal flat, Interstitial water and Bivalve living

山田晃史・田代 喬・辻本哲郎:土砂還元がダム下流生態系の食物網に及ぼす影響:粒状有機物,水生生物の現存量および炭素・窒素安定同位体比を用いた検証 …… 11 ic_pdf
Koshi YAMADA, Takashi TASHIRO and Tetsuro TSUJIMOTO: Effects of sediment replenishment on stream ecosystem below dam and reservoir: their verification with particulate organic matters, aquatic organisms and their stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen

資  料 Regional Reports

村上哲生:陸水現象や淡水生物の観察の工夫その1. 水底の影を見る; アメンボの泳法とカルマン渦 …… 23 ic_pdf
Tetuo MURAKAMI: Expedients for observation of limnological phenomena and aquatic biota in rivers and lakes Part 1. Looking at shadow in the bottom of stream; Case studies on swimming method of water strider and Karman’s vortex

市原 俊・坂井英里・森山昭彦・川瀬基弘:岐阜市におけるコモチカワツボの分布と遺伝的特徴 …… 27 ic_pdf
Takashi ICHIHARA, Eri SAKAI, Akihiko MORIYAMA and Motohiro KAWASE: Distribution and genetic features of Pomatopyrgus antipodarum in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan

野崎健太郎・各務佳菜:尾張丘陵南端部の崖線に見られる湧水の湧出量,水温および水質の季節変化 -愛知県日進市岩崎町竹の山地区における事例研究 …… 31 ic_pdf
Kentaro NOZAKI and Kana KAKAMI: Seasonal changes in discharge, temperature and chemistry of spring water gushing from a cliff of southern part of the Owari Hills : A case study carried out at Takenoyama, Iwasaki-cho, Nissin City, Aichi, Japan

意  見 Opinion

戸田三津夫:ダム堆砂をどうする:天竜川「佐久間ダム」での最善解決策を考える …… 39 ic_pdf
Mitsuo TODA: What is the best and practical solution for dam sediment : The case of SAKUMA dam

特  集 Special Feature

村上哲生・向井貴彦:「田中豊穂教授・山内克典教授の長良川河口堰問題に関する寄与」:特集にあたって …… 45 ic_pdf
Tetuo MURAKAMI and Takahiko MUKAI: Contribution of Professors Toyoho TANAKA and Katsusuke YAMAUCHI on the problem of the Nagaragawa Estuary Barrage construction : Preface to the special feature

田中豊穂:長良川河口堰個人史 …… 49 ic_pdf
Toyoho TANAKA: Personal reflection on construction issues of the Nagara River Estuary Barrage

山内克典:長良川河口堰調査を振り返る …… 57 ic_pdf
Katsusuke YAMAUCHI: A review of environmental researches against a rivermouth barrage constructed in the Lower Naga River, Central Japan

書  評 Book Review

小野田幸生:身近な水の環境科学[実習・測定編] 朝倉書店 …… 63 ic_pdf
Yukio ONODA: Mijika Na Mizu No Kankyokagaku (Methods of Environmental Studies in Inland Waters) Asakra Publishing

投稿規定 ……  65 ic_pdf